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This won't be so much of a diary, it's more likely to be a collection of odd musings and witterings on a variety of topics and issues that might spill out ocassionally from a "grumpy old man" or just me opening up, but it's pretty much inoffensive stuff.........I hope.

The reasons as to how and why I wanted something like this built into this site is described in the first entry made a few years ago now, maybe I should have stuck to the original idea and called this Bono's Hat rather than simply, Diary...My later entries explain why it didn't change...... At times I may be a gobby bloke from Bermondsey but I certainly ain't rich enough yet to have the arse sued off of me by Messrs U2.

I had hoped that a few other friends would also contribute the odd piece along the way to liven things up, provide a laugh or just comment on those things that happen along the way to make you ask the question, why, but they now seem to have gone off and done their own blogs!

Feel free to mail me if you want to take issue on any point or simply want to join in.

Pat Kent


Have yourself a stressfree little Christmas...

Date: 2006-12-22 13:58:31

Well, here we are again, another year has flown by, Jack frost is playing havoc around the country with his soulmate Misty  ... read more »


Me and my brother were talking to each other....

Date: 2006-11-07 16:16:49

Author: Pat Kent

Unashamed plug

If you check out my "friends" pages you'll see some new additions. My brother, Matt, has ventured out into the world of photography in no small way.

After many years working for Pete Townshend of The Who, he has packed it all in and moved onwards and upwards. His photographs and video's of The Who were in my opinion superlative and showed the band in their best light since the very early photo's of Tom Wright etc.

He has a great eye for a photo and without doubt his gig [and other] photo's are great. Check them out on the "friends" pages and then go visit his website at

all the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2006 - All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.


Living in a material world - 2

Date: 2006-10-27 13:10:51

Author: Pat Kent

Well, I thought I'd get back into things by being the curmudgeonly old git that you know, and possibly some of you love.  ... read more »


Bono's Hat 2 or the worst band in the world....

Date: 2006-10-27 12:56:09

Author: Pat Kent

Well, after many moons, and a no doubt a lot of cash as well, it would seem that a significant number of lawyers were richer  ... read more »


Ad break....

Date: 2006-10-23 17:49:29

Good grief, Has it really been that long since I've put anything on here. It really does go to show that all work and  ... read more »


Living in a material world.

Date: 2006-06-23 16:52:30

I was recently reading the blog of a famous musician, no names, but I don't think he's going to write any blogs  ... read more »


If this is global warming - I want my winter back.

Date: 2006-06-12 16:29:08

Author: Pat Kent

Bloody hell, is it hot or what? I'm sitting up here in the office/studio thing, my PC is on meltdown, the fan is  ... read more »


Summer's here and the time is right....

Date: 2006-05-05 13:50:49

Author: Pat Kent

And I promised more laughs.... Here's one, sorry it's an Essex girl joke... One winter's night in Essex,  ... read more »


Happy Birthday vs Grumpy Old Git

Date: 2006-04-14 18:43:18

Author: Pat Kent

Well, I hit the big 5-0 two weeks ago, and almost immediately afterwards went down with a blindingly painful tooth abscess  ... read more »


A sort of return to the fray....

Date: 2006-03-02 22:45:37

Hello, to anyone who reads this stuff. I've been a bit lax of late in putting any new words up. A combination of work  ... read more »


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