DIARY - Ad break....
Date: 2006-10-23 17:49:29
Good grief, Has it really been that long since I've put anything on here. It really does go to show that all work and no play really does lead to a stunted lifestyle...
Well, I'm still up to my eyes in real work at the moment but thought I'd better do something on here, even if it only to say to all the spammers and the like what a sad pathetic bunch of twats you really are.
I've no doubt given the origin of most of them that somewhere in the US some person or person unknown are focusing on sending me every piece of crap they can, but please note I have no interest in US stocks and bonds, fake Rolex watches or even prescription or non-prescription drugs of any variety, so please don't waste my time any more, I've invested in some decent anti spamming software and it all now gets binned automatically.
Why do people persist in this crap, surely no-one takes them up on their ridiculous offers.
I'll try and write some more tomorrow, but for now good evening, jut thought I'd better post something quick to let some of you who've written know that I'm still around and like McArthur "will return".
All the best, speak soon,
Pat K
October 2006. © Pat Kent 2006 - All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.