This won't be so much of a diary, it's more likely to be a collection of odd musings and witterings on a variety of topics and issues that might spill out ocassionally from a "grumpy old man" or just me opening up, but it's pretty much inoffensive stuff.........I hope.
The reasons as to how and why I wanted something like this built into this site is described in the first entry made a few years ago now, maybe I should have stuck to the original idea and called this Bono's Hat rather than simply, Diary...My later entries explain why it didn't change...... At times I may be a gobby bloke from Bermondsey but I certainly ain't rich enough yet to have the arse sued off of me by Messrs U2.
I had hoped that a few other friends would also contribute the odd piece along the way to liven things up, provide a laugh or just comment on those things that happen along the way to make you ask the question, why, but they now seem to have gone off and done their own blogs!
Feel free to mail me if you want to take issue on any point or simply want to join in.
Pat Kent

Back to school
Date: 2015-08-24 13:00:25
Author: Pat Kent
Over the last couple of months I've been lucky enough to have been tutored in working in colour using Acrylics, watercolour and Gouache by a friend and artist Simon Kewer.
Simon has manged to get me to take a few risks with artwork and not only have I enjoyed his tuition and advice but I'm loving getting back to doing some nice challenging subject matter.
I've added a few items of work in progress in the skecth book area, these don't show in the front page feed, so i will add them here as well.

A few new items today
Date: 2015-06-01 18:11:07
Author: Pat Kent
A few new items today, marking, finally, a change in direction for me. Fcussing more and more on portraits. Two added today, the first was in a sort of tribute to Prince, who died recently. The second is Elvis, The King, who died more than several years ago, I think i now need to add Freddie Mercury (of Queen), Jon Lord (Deep Purple), Geeorge Duke, and any other royalty I can think of
May 2017
Absence makes the heart....
Date: 2015-04-16 18:16:43
Author: Pat Kent
It's been a long, long time.
For presinal reasons I have not been able to pick up a pencil or brush for many months. I hope to have broken that spell, bith with a new drive and a new direction away from the fanboy stuff, if not totally, at least with some diversity.
I am being tutored in watercolours and acrylic painting with a leaning towards portraiture by srtist Simon Kewer.
The first attempts have just been added to the my work gallery.
Simon has provided his suggestions, guidance and direction and I'm really pleaased with the way things are going. So, huge thanks to him.
Looking forward to doing more work under his professional eye.

Picture this!
Date: 2013-03-10 12:18:38
Author: Pat Kent
Two new images added to the collection pages. Two commissioned pieces by artist and illustrator, Miss Led, famed for her work on the Lynx - Angels will fall campaign and street and stylised art. She did these two portraits of my wife.
I am impressed with both of her portraits.

Turning again.
Date: 2013-01-03 17:50:39
A late New Year hello from me. Things continue to settle down, we are getting more of a routine around my wifes care ... read more »
White City or Rockingham Estate Days
Date: 2012-12-12 20:04:57
Author: David
From Pete Townshends solo album White City this is the opening 9 minutes to Richard Lowensteins film made for Townshends ... read more »
Alive and well and living in
Date: 2012-09-27 11:50:23
Author: Pat Kent
Other than one short post I've been keeping a sort of low profile here, not for any dubious reason but because my wife was ... read more »
16th April
Date: 2012-04-15 23:32:53
Author: Pat Kent
Odd Day the 16th April, so many contrary events to remember and honour.
So. I'll focus on the good one, it was on this day, a few years ago, that my younger brother made his first appearance in this world.
So, I'll raise a glass to him and say happy birthday Matt.
Pat K

Being taken for a mug
Date: 2011-08-22 16:33:12
Author: Pat Kent
I've been taken for a mug, so to speak, but not literally this time I may say. A while ago I drew a sketch 'logo' for ... read more »

Update sketches
Date: 2011-06-12 19:39:17
A new piece in the 'work' section of a sketch based on a Dodson sketch [top one on the right] and a few pieces in the 'sketchbook' section.
Most of the sketchbook pieces are very rough, roughs.
The second one [on the right] was an old trial piece, using markers and coloured pencils that didn't really work;
The third is a rough that I was working on as an idea to accompany the other pieces under the 'the girl who...' banner.
The last one is a coloured pencil sketch that might make it into a revamped image sometime in the future either as a stand alone figure or as part of a bigger composition.
The final one that's been uploaded to the sketchbook pages, [not shown on the right], 'Sylkie', is based on a Huerta sketch, which I 'buggered up' quite a bit in the face.
Pat K June 2011