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DIARY - Turning again.

Date: 2013-01-03 17:50:39


A late New Year hello from me.

Things continue to settle down, we are getting more of a routine around my wifes care nowadays and that is hopefully going to allow me a bit more freedom to start drawing again. I plan to try and sell a few pieces as digital prints and possibly originals as well via this site. If anyone wants a commission piece undertaken just mail me and let me know.

Since my last post a few more people and old internet friends have mailed me to see how I am and to enquire how my wife is progressing in her physio rehab. As I said then it is a long arduous journey which is likely to be limited in the amount of time recouperation can be successfully undertaken, but we both stay hopeful and upbeat about future improvement and welcome the additional rehab therapy that we now have access to.

My independent memorabillia site for the band Jethro Tull is progressing pretty well and I am now working closely with a friend in the US to establish the site more fully over the coming months. Already he has uploaded a massive amount of memorabillia and although I am biased I have to say the site looks bloody fantastic.

The art gallery site that I established with my old friend Steve a year or so ago is also due to be developed further this year and will soon offer much wider access for artists who might want to display their wares. If you are interested in using it just drop me an e-mail.

This last year, 2012, has been a tough old year, not only for me but also for my wife who has worked hard to progress her recovery to her current position, it has marked a big change to her and her lifestyle and I have to admire her for adapting as well as she has, and look forward to the day when she overcomes it even more. 2012 has not been kind to others in my family either who have battled against some tough situations. I am hoping that things are better in 2013 for them.

So, a little late but I wish all who visit, comment/e-mail or just pass by, a very Happy New Year and all the Health. Wealth and Happiness that is possible.

Attached are two pencil sketches that will be scanned properly and uploaded soon. The first one, Vamps! is an interpretation of a Dave Stevens style Vampirella, Mortica Addams, Elvira, and Lily Munster. The second is entitled Bends like a willow

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2013 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2012


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