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This should have been entitled "Influences and Friends" but that's too long for a title so it's just simply Friends!

I want to show off the artistic talents of a few people that I know, or have met along the way and respect their work - I kicked off with Rob Larson, a seriously talented guy, who, if you ever have the opportunity to meet will find him approachable and friendly.

I have, in the past, added some of the photographic work of my brother Matt, who hid his photographic talents under a bushell for many a long year and who branched out into the world of concert photography a few years ago. He has since also branched out into the world of webdesign and has a media site on the web, again, like his concert photography site, well worth checking out if you're in the market for a web site.

I hope to continue to add more art or photographic work by friends and family soon in the hope that it enables them to reach a wider audience. Check out their own websites, they're worth a visit, and don't be afraid to comment to me here at Chez Kent via the contact page.

I said when I started this that I also wanted to pay respect to some of the artists, that I will never know, but admire greatly, and so, I'll be adding a piece or two about the artists and art pieces that I really enjoy over time.

I would love to show some of the work of friends from my school days, particularly some of those I went along the "A level" route with, but given reactions over the last couple of years that is ever more unlikely, which is more the pity.

Pat Kent

Johnny Rotten by Matt Kent
The Who - TCT 2008 Matt Kent
Me by Tony Pasfield 1972-1973
Cirque de Celebrite -- 2
Cirque de Celebrite
The Teasemaids - 3
The Teasemaids - 2
The Teasemaids - 1
Flaming Lips 3
Flaming Lips 2
Flaming Lips 1
Daltrey on stage
"You're not scary anymore...."
The greatest rock and roll band in the world?
Untitled by Rob Larson
Untitled by Rob Larson
Night Watch - Rob Larson