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DIARY - Alive and well and living in

Date: 2012-09-27 11:50:23

Author: Pat Kent


Other than one short post I've been keeping a sort of low profile here, not for any dubious reason but because my wife was taken very ill last October and after spending nearly 4 months in hospital came home at Christmas. Since then we have been adapting our lives to accommodate the changes we need to accept and make.

It hasn't been an easy journey and I doff my cap to all those carers who look after loved ones and others properly. It is a salutory lesson to learn about how to care for someone you love, even then it is a difficult task to learn and makes you fearful of the abundance of stories about privately run and social care homes in the press concerning mis-treatment from so called care professionals.

It makes you wonder how anyone could enter a care profession and lose the ability to care, more likely they never had it in the first place, the job is clearly difficult and needs people of resillience and strength to do it. I know I couldn't do it for just anyone, but these so called carers who abuse the people in their charge need to be weeded out from the system and barred from any caring work for ever.

A few people have mailed me to see how I am and how my wife is progressing in her physio rehab. It is a long arduous journey which is likely to be limited in the amount of time recouperation can be successfully undertaken, but we both stay hopeful and upbeat about future improvement.

My time has been taken up almost fully for the last year, but we are slowly getting back to some degree of normality [whatever that means] and that hopefully means I can get back to some drawing and some writing.

During this time I have set up and started to run an independent memorabillia site for the band Jethro Tull which goes under the name The Boy Scout Manual [] and working with a friend in the US plan to establish this more fully in coming months. will also be reinvigorated soon and offer wider access to artists who might want to display their wares.

And, I hope to get back to writing, drawing and painting as soon as possible; lots of ideas to progress and lots of enthusiasm to do it now.

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2012 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2012



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