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DIARY - If this is global warming - I want my winter back.

Date: 2006-06-12 16:29:08

Author: Pat Kent


Bloody hell, is it hot or what?

I'm sitting up here in the office/studio thing, my PC is on meltdown, the fan is on full blast and I'm shedding weight rapidly as I sweat myself into nothingness.

Been a big couple of weeks here, still trying to catch up wth shedloads of work, had to deal with a close bereavement, and my younger brother chucked in his job after suffering almost 8 years working for someone who is probabaly the biggest and most arrogant twat in the music business.

In my view this is the problem of building pop stars and footballers as heroes, at the end of the day they are nothing special, but they themselves start to believe that they are, and in the end they start to think they are above others. In my book, my brother's a bigger man than his former boss could ever be. He's certainly seems to be more principled and morally sound than his former employer, and probabaly more adept at doing things beyond what he expects of himself than his former paymaster.

Good luck to him as he moves onto his next venture.

The heat must be getting to people over here, as the "Home Secretary" seems to have advocated that us "ordinary folk" should stop moaning about anti-social behaviour and takes matters into our own hands. I'm all up for that, I just hope it means that when I lose it with "the pillock children from hell" next door or I beat the crap out of some low-life miscreant smashing up a phone box or a bus shelter the Criminal Prosecution service let me off because John Reid said it was OK.

There have been more stabbings and murders, and we ain't anywhere near getting knocked out of the quarter-finals of the World cup yet.

It's too bloody hot to write anymore, I'll try and update this when it gets a bit cooler. See you soon.

Well it's a new day and I'm back, it's still bloody hot and now its overcast and threatening to storm, I just hope it breaks the humidity, it's unbearable. Mind you then I suppose I'd moan about the rain, it's a typically English thing to do.

I'm trying to get into a frame of mind or dynamic where I can write technical reports for my day job without getting bored, unfortunately I can't seem to do it at present, far too many distractions around. I need a proper office, I can't carry on trying to work like this, it's driving me nuts, and it interferes with my homelife, as the line between work and home continually gets blurred.

Plus, on top of that, my life seems to have got back onto a treadmill without telling me, and I seem to continually miss out on my guitar lessons and my drawing output has reduced. I need to get back in control of things. That probably means I've got to get selfish about my life, not something I'm too comfortable with, but I have to make some judgements about who does things for really, so the only option seesm to be that I need to make the time to do them for myself.

Writing here is a bit cathartic, and whilst it might seem a bloody drag to you, dear reader, it does help to focus the mind a bit. I think that things will change soon....

A few things to think about....see you soon!

Pat Kent © Pat Kent 2006 - All rights reserved.

Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.


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