DIARY - Living in a material world - 2
Date: 2006-10-27 13:10:51
Author: Pat Kent
Well, I thought I'd get back into things by being the curmudgeonly old git that you know, and possibly some of you love. So, anyway, there I was scouring the papers and news pages on the internet the other day in search of something to distract me from work, looking at houses to move to and generally worrying about what the tykes, who believe me, really are the earthly incarnations of Beavis and Butthead, next door might get up to during half term.
Believe it or not one of these idiots actually set off two fireworks in his bedroom the other day, and this kid is about 15 and goes to a fee paying school, God preserve the future generations from pillocks like this….
Anyway a couple of great stories from the sceptic isle of ours, that shows the true value of having money, celebrity and little brain power. This is a good follow up to the "Living in the material world" entry of a few months ago and shows that having access to money, more than ingesting too much aluminium, can assist in helping these sort of people lose the plot all too quickly….
It seems that once upon a time most people were keen to get their hands on the fillings, but now it seems that the containers are the things to grab. No, I'm not talking rare collectable jars…..we're talking underwear, bras in fact, The Brighton Ball, a probable gathering of non-name celebrities had the modest 36B charms of the bra belonging to [the rather nice and charming] Lorraine Kelly competing in auction against the over-engineered piece of kit that passes for the 34FF bra worn by the air-fix model known as Jordan.
Jordan's bra fetched £2,000, marginally less than she probably charges to be relieved of it at any time other than a charity bash. I presume that it hadn't graced her pneumatic form that much anyway, or it was one that had the clasp broken due to too much wear and tear [a bit like her really]. Lorraine saw her bra go for £3,100. So if there is any sense in this, it must be considered a triumph [excuse the pun] for the real woman.
Apparently Jordan responded by offering to sell her knickers, I bet she then remembered she didn’t have any on to sell.
And another waste of space…..
Chelsy [since when did you spell it like that?] Davy, Prince Harry's sort, celebrated her 21st birthday with a £20,000 party in a Cape Town restaurant. Harry managed to persuade his commanding officers to allow him leave to attend the Roaring Twenties-themed event which involved him in a 6,000-mile trip, I wonder how many ordinary blokes getting shot at in Afghanistan, managed to persuade their commanding officers to allow them leave to attend their kids birthday/ grandparents funeral/parents hospital bedside [insert any or all].
Dressed as Al Capone, rather than a goose-stepping blackshirt, Harry danced with Chelsy, before stripping off to reveal a t-shirt declaring himself "Official Bodyguard of Miss CD". When will we learn to dump brats like these as being of no discernible use whatsoever?
And it gets worse, Remember Bob Geldof, he of "Give us ye'r F****** money fame? he of St Bob of Africa?
Well his sprog seems to have listened to Daddy's ranting and not taken any of it it to heart. Peaches Geldof, who is reported to cope with life on £700-a-month pocket money from Dad[in addition to what she earns from her celebrity status], is said to have blown £4,000 on Thai food and champagne during one night out with girlfriends in Ibiza. Tell that to the millions of starving African's, I bet that will cheer them up.
Mind you at least one of them might get to hob-nob with Peaches now,
Not to be outdone good old Madonna or Madge as she is affectionately known to her loyal "Hello" and "Heat" reading fanbase, has spent £5,000 on a top of the range rocking horse for her new [adopted] son, Malawian, David Banda. Little Davie Banda/Ciccione has also been bought an electric BMW and stacks of designer clothes, as if he knows what it's all about. My money is on him fading into the background before the year is out and being discretely returned to his family, and when the stroy comes out, Madonna will cite press intrusion and explain how heart broken she is, and get another stack of publicity and a few more front pages.
Please God [or anyone] preserve us from these people….
Pat K
October 2006. © Pat Kent 2006 - All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.