DIARY - A sort of return to the fray....
Date: 2006-03-02 22:45:37
Hello, to anyone who reads this stuff. I've been a bit lax of late in putting any new words up. A combination of work deadlines, illness and general laziness, which have all conspired against me to stop me writing anything other than work reports.
I'm working on a new set of drawings at the moment in any free time that comes my way. Hopefully the studio [a grand name for some proper workspace where I can fit a drawing board] will be finished soon, and that will allow me a better environment to draw, paint and write. All I have to do is get some heating in place to allow me to move my fingers enough to stave off frostbite and hyperthermia.
For the last God knows how many years I've harboured a dream to write a novel, and thats something that's definetly on the agenda to be finished this year. No, grandiose idea to get it published, I just want to finish it for my own satisfaction. If it goes anywhere after that is anyones guess.
Life seems to take on a different meaning now as I approach my 50th year on planet Earth. Lots of things have changed in the last year, some for the better, some for the worse, like relationships, it's odd that as one falters another improves. It's a pity that an even keel can't be maintained and things didn't falter, and that we could build on what we have. I suppose lifes a bit like a tango though. It takes two.
I'm going to try and post at least twice a month in future, even if it's only to allow me to sound off at the craziness in the world, it does me good!
Anyway - I'm off for now!
Pat Kent