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This won't be so much of a diary, it's more likely to be a collection of odd musings and witterings on a variety of topics and issues that might spill out ocassionally from a "grumpy old man" or just me opening up, but it's pretty much inoffensive stuff.........I hope.

The reasons as to how and why I wanted something like this built into this site is described in the first entry made a few years ago now, maybe I should have stuck to the original idea and called this Bono's Hat rather than simply, Diary...My later entries explain why it didn't change...... At times I may be a gobby bloke from Bermondsey but I certainly ain't rich enough yet to have the arse sued off of me by Messrs U2.

I had hoped that a few other friends would also contribute the odd piece along the way to liven things up, provide a laugh or just comment on those things that happen along the way to make you ask the question, why, but they now seem to have gone off and done their own blogs!

Feel free to mail me if you want to take issue on any point or simply want to join in.

Pat Kent


Update - July 2010

Date: 2010-07-22 17:03:44

Author: Pat Kent

I've been away far too long. Work has been extremely manic [still] and my painting and drawing time as well as my social  ... read more »


Up to me

Date: 2010-04-14 12:23:07

Author: Pat Kent

Blimey, I've just noticed that it's been a bit of time, 3 months in fact, since I wrote anything on here, or  ... read more »


With you there to help me...

Date: 2010-01-14 15:36:01

Author: Pat Kent

Well the first few weeks of 2010 in the UK appear to have been a precursor for the new dark ages. snow, snow and more snow.  ... read more »


Mayhem, Maybe.

Date: 2010-01-01 20:52:05

Author: Pat Kent

2010.....wasn't we all supposed to be flying about with jet backpacks, wearing silver foil suits, eating dehydrated  ... read more »


That was a pig of a cold.....and a bit of an update

Date: 2009-12-01 16:07:22

Author: Pat Kent

I've been laid up recently due to the side effects of receiving the H1N1 flu vaccination shot a couple of weeks ago.  ... read more »


And all the world will love you just as long as you are, a shooting star.

Date: 2009-11-19 13:26:18

Author: Pat Kent

I was aiming to call this My Brother Matt, as a bit of a link to the old Paul Rodger's "Free" song, My Brother  ... read more »


It's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Date: 2009-09-23 11:59:36

Author: Pat Kent

Good manners. They are free and can provide a wealth of good feeling; they are simple to apply, and can make a big  ... read more »


For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me.

Date: 2009-07-20 16:47:03

Author: Pat Kent

"Watery eyes of the last sighing seconds, blue reflections mute and dim beckon tearful child of wonder to repentance  ... read more »


A time for everything.

Date: 2009-06-25 01:01:59

Author: Pat Kent

I have to say it's been a hell of a struggle to get things done lately. We had booked to go over to the USA for a few  ... read more »



Date: 2009-06-16 18:22:38

Author: Pat Kent

I know from my website stats and e-mails, that I get regular visits to the site from people in Iran.

I also know that they are likely to be amongst the opposition supporters who are currently risking everything, including their own as well as their families lives by vocalising and demonstrating their opposition to the current regime.

It may be by way of small comfort, but I wish you well and hope that your actions prevail.

Mo'afagh bashed

Pat K


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