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DIARY - That was a pig of a cold.....and a bit of an update

Date: 2009-12-01 16:07:22

Author: Pat Kent


I've been laid up recently due to the side effects of receiving the H1N1 flu vaccination shot a couple of weeks ago. It started immediately after the jab when a painful lump the size of half a lemon appeared on my arm around the site of the injection. I have to say it was bad enought that if I stood in a certain light, with my squint and the swollen arm I could have easily been mistaken for Popeye.

As the lump [and the pain] subsided I ended up with the worst sore throat I have ever had, or would ever wish to have, in my life, and now as that fades I am left with a wheezing cough that leaves me fighting for breath at times. Swine flu? if I ever see another pig it better be in rasher form, grilled and stuck between two slices of buttered bread, swimming in HP sauce.

Still, it did leave me with the opportunity to prop myself up with the laptop and do some new writing, as well as bit drawing, catch up on a couple of commissiony type things and do a bit of drawing practice.

I realised that I had got very lazy in my drawing, and like chefs who do one-pot cooking, I had almost resorted to one-pencil drawing. A lot of stuff was only good as sketches and little more. The enforced break has made me look at some other artists styles and how they work a page and dig out my full set of studio pencils and start using them again.

The results have just been posted in the "My Work" pages. Funny, the work I do for other people tends to be more finished then thhe pieces I do for my own pleasure or practice, I think that may well change now as I don't want to take the "lazy" approach anymore and the H and 2B pencils will now only be used as part of the bigger set.

Hope you are all well and keeping flu free.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2009 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2009




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