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DIARY - It's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Date: 2009-09-23 11:59:36

Author: Pat Kent


Good manners.

They are free and can provide a wealth of good feeling; they are simple to apply, and can make a big difference to how a lot of people view you and deal with the world.

So, why is it pig-ignorance seems to be the falvour of the day in these modern times? Is it simply not trendy, hip or "Keeewl" to be polite anymore?

Well, I for one am getting a little sick of it.

In the last couple of weeks I've had "supposedly" close friends take a few liberties. I suspect because they think that we run our own business from home that we can just dip in and out when we like and that our time isn't as important as their own.

First up was a "mate" who wanted some professional advice, not a please or a thank you was applied to their request or subsequent delivery of information. Putting the advice together didn't take me long, I like to think I know my business backwards, but that's not the point, it will be the last time I respond to any request from that person. I expect they didn't see their blatent ignorance in their e-mailed request, but I suspect that they thought my reply may be a lttle terse with no "fluffy bits" like Hi, how are you? added. Well, if you reading this, it's beacuse you pissed me off. 

By treating me with ignorance and my time and effort with contempt they will now get the same back from me. The man is pomposity personified, let me say, my time, is as important to me as his might be to him and as regards him in future my time comes first, so there's at least one person there who might find me a little less accommodating in the future.

Second example, was a couple of friends we were going out for a meal with one evening; a last minute call from them to ask if it would be OK that if they got a cab to us could I drive to the restaurant, "no problem" I said, "good" came the reply "could you also give us a lift home 'cause hubby's had a bus week and is tired". Rather than explode then, I said, in my normal good-mannered way, "of course". Another case of "my time is more important than yours syndrome", and me doing a rather good impression of a stick of seaside confectionary with the name of the little town of Mug written all the way through it.

I'm sick of it; are everyone's lives too busy that they forget that other people also have demands on them, they also get tired? The world is poorer for people losing sight of the need to take and spend time over their friendships, It's something that I know I've never lost, but believe me, there are now two sets of friends who will no longer get any offers of help from me.

It's little wonder that on this basis, fewer people care and fewer people want to be involved in community; take, take, take seems to be the order of the day. Well, I'm not going to slip into that mindset, just won't be giving so freely to certain people in future.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2009 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2009


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