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This won't be so much of a diary, it's more likely to be a collection of odd musings and witterings on a variety of topics and issues that might spill out ocassionally from a "grumpy old man" or just me opening up, but it's pretty much inoffensive stuff.........I hope.

The reasons as to how and why I wanted something like this built into this site is described in the first entry made a few years ago now, maybe I should have stuck to the original idea and called this Bono's Hat rather than simply, Diary...My later entries explain why it didn't change...... At times I may be a gobby bloke from Bermondsey but I certainly ain't rich enough yet to have the arse sued off of me by Messrs U2.

I had hoped that a few other friends would also contribute the odd piece along the way to liven things up, provide a laugh or just comment on those things that happen along the way to make you ask the question, why, but they now seem to have gone off and done their own blogs!

Feel free to mail me if you want to take issue on any point or simply want to join in.

Pat Kent


Busy, busy, busy.......

Date: 2008-06-09 14:14:29

Author: Pat Kent

A few new entries today in terms of sketches, two on the Sketchbook pages and five on the My Work pages. Also, a few new  ... read more »



Date: 2008-04-17 14:18:44

Author: Pat Kent

In between holding down a regular day job my brother Matt, in his "spare" time, takes pictures of rock bands.  ... read more »



Date: 2008-04-08 13:59:49

Author: Pat Kent

The farce that is the Olympic torch relay came to town this week and has since rolled out in various forms across other  ... read more »


Name and shame

Date: 2008-04-05 18:28:07

Yesterday, i was travelling back past Biggin Hill airport approaching a roundabout when out of the blue some idiot in one  ... read more »


Dave Stevens. 29th July 1955 - 10th March 2008

Date: 2008-03-15 14:52:21

Author: Pat Kent

I'm 52 in a couple of weeks and many might think what an odd way of spending your time at that age trying to draw women  ... read more »


Looking for Eden

Date: 2008-03-04 16:54:20

Author: Pat Kent

I have always had my day job rooted in London, but it was always pretty parochial. More and more, my day job takes me across  ... read more »


"Going on up to the spirits in the SKY"

Date: 2008-01-04 15:09:43

Author: Pat Kent

Last year I had my rant about suppliers....Then it was kitchen suppilers and ALNO in particular, now for fear of upsetting  ... read more »


Christmas spirit is not what you drink

Date: 2007-12-31 18:09:36

Author: Pat Kent

The title is taken from the lyric of a Jethro Tull song of the late 60's and comes to my mind because this Christmas,  ... read more »


There was a hush in the Passion Play...

Date: 2007-12-03 17:54:53

Author: Pat Kent

Finally one night last week I got to see one of the musicians I have always wanted to see since I was a teenager and who,  ... read more »


It was a new page yesterday....

Date: 2007-11-01 00:25:36

Haven't yet got around to adding any direct links on the home page to newly added images in the "My collection"  ... read more »


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