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DIARY - Christmas spirit is not what you drink

Date: 2007-12-31 18:09:36

Author: Pat Kent


The title is taken from the lyric of a Jethro Tull song of the late 60's and comes to my mind because this Christmas, more than any other to date, I've become less interested in the whole package of shenanighans that goes under the banner of Christmas.

The pandering to consumerism through buying presents that people rarely want or truly need; watching a whole generation of kids bleeding their parents bank accounts and purses dry by demanding the latest technology or piece of designer crap just so they can be on a par [or above] their contemporaries, fewer and fewer people understanding the worth of themselves let alone the true meaning or worth of Christmas, especially when it's only done to show how well off you look materiallistically or finanacially rather than spiritually or holistically.

I'm not a great religious zealot by any means, but as I get older I think I'm coming more and more to terms with what modern Christmas isn't, particularly since it's become a frenzied merry-go-round of credit card bashing for many who can ill-afford it and who can't say "no"; For me it's becoming less and less about receiving and more about giving, and I don't mean giving or receiving gifts and presents.

Sure, I won't stop buying gifts in the future, but I think that something will have to give-way, not because I'm tight-fisted moneywise, I just think that it's about time the word "no" was applied to the un-ending profligacy expected of parents and others in terms of the consumer nightmare that many people face. And whilst all the while this is freqently due to advertising by big companies, trying to keep up with the Jones' or uneducated or simply greedy kids who can't understand that the word "no" sometimes might just be the best word they could hear, particularly if they want a world that they can grow up in.

Just saying "no" once in a while, you might save your kid from turning into that spoilt brat that sits opposite me every now and then in restaurants, on trains or just walking down the street. Think also how your life might might get some respect from your own kids, you might be able to afford to pay the grocery bill with cash rather than credit card and the whole of society might become civilised once again....I won't hold my breath.

I watched the BBC news on Christmas night and after hearing about Benazhir Bhutto being assassinated as Pakistan seemed to be moving towards a more democatic structure and the arsehole who not only bought his seven year old daughter a quad bike, but then allowed her to drive it on a public road with a ten year old riding pillion on Christmas day, whilst he followed behind in his car, only to see her killed when another car ploughed into her, together with the stacks of other bad news being pushed out I found myself thinking......."It's Christmas......Where's all the good news? Where's all the good guys? ......Then I realised that probably there's no good news to share? It's not "newsworthy enough by today's standards. It's all got to be wrapped up in either death, destruction, turmoil or mindless celebrity crap, otherwise the masses can't or won't listen to it.

Somethings got to change, and if I can only manage to do a small thing, then I'm going to do it. That's going to be my resolution for the New Year.

"No" might sound a very negative word, but when I'm sure that it can be applied as a force for good, I'll be trying to say "no" a lot more in the new year, I don't want to sit back and see the wrold fall apart through the greed, ignorance or selfishness of others. It might be a small insignificant stand on the part of one man, but if enough people do one small thing who knows where it might lead.

Have a great 2008, keep looking in, and keep on dropping me a line whenever you feel like it.

Before I go some quick words of thanks to a few people for their help, support and encouragement in 2007..........

Liz for inspiration and the desire to change the way I am [or turned out to be over the last few years]

Matt for showing me what a good photograph really is, being my brother and sharing his humour with me. [and pointing out my typo's]

Steve R for taking the trouble to comment on things on the site, sharing his humour [as well as his Coupling DVD's - which I must return in 2008]

Dave R for sorting out the site glitches when they arise.

All the artists who've inspired me.....professional and amateur;

All the models who I've drawn from their images particularly Kate Donovan, Lilac, and the un-sung ones [or simply the un-named ones who might raise the roof if they named or identified] who for whatever reason don't get a credit on the image page.......

The all the Tull fans who had a some nice words to say about the site and the work herein....

All the best and hope you have health, wealth and happiness in 2008.

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2007/2008 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.



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