DIARY - Name and shame
Date: 2008-04-05 18:28:07
Yesterday, i was travelling back past Biggin Hill airport approaching a roundabout when out of the blue some idiot in one of those sort of people carrier size car's that has no style to it and looks like a jelly mould put their foot down and overtook me on the outside, across an area of solid hatched markings that had been put in place to narrow the carriageway down to one lane on the approach to the roundabout.
The driver roared on, only to get trapped at a set of temporary traffic lights a few hundred yards down the road. To demonstrate to you dear reader how "distant" she was she didn't even notice me when I got out of my car, walked over to her car, she suddenly "came to" as I thumped on her window and told her what a crap driver she was.
She broke several rules of the road and seriously jepordised other peoples lives...... if not her own; which to be honest I don't really care about. She seemed the sort of woman who would have a "little princess aboard" sticker in the back window to alert other drivers to take care because she doesn't.
The woman drove like a menace and whilst I can't name her, beware a silver people carrier, registration number KM56 FPE in the Biggin Hill/Bromley area........it's driven by a blonde who clearly doesn't respect the rules of the road or life and probably has little care for other people's safety either.
Pat Kent
© Pat Kent 2008 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.