This won't be so much of a diary, it's more likely to be a collection of odd musings and witterings on a variety of topics and issues that might spill out ocassionally from a "grumpy old man" or just me opening up, but it's pretty much inoffensive stuff.........I hope.
The reasons as to how and why I wanted something like this built into this site is described in the first entry made a few years ago now, maybe I should have stuck to the original idea and called this Bono's Hat rather than simply, Diary...My later entries explain why it didn't change...... At times I may be a gobby bloke from Bermondsey but I certainly ain't rich enough yet to have the arse sued off of me by Messrs U2.
I had hoped that a few other friends would also contribute the odd piece along the way to liven things up, provide a laugh or just comment on those things that happen along the way to make you ask the question, why, but they now seem to have gone off and done their own blogs!
Feel free to mail me if you want to take issue on any point or simply want to join in.
Pat Kent
When Jesus came to play
Date: 2009-01-21 17:36:53
Author: Pat Kent
The title isn't meant to be offensive to anybody, I seem to have achieved that with all too much regularity of ... read more »

Why should I care.......
Date: 2008-12-31 14:11:12
Author: Pat Kent
Less than 12 hours of 2008 left now, and as I look forward to seeing the New Year in on a cocktail of anti-biotics, washed ... read more »
Hits and misses
Date: 2008-12-23 15:25:39
Funny, having taken down some pieces and musings or shuffled them around, I have to say I end up amazed. I looked ... read more »
Apologies and Deletions
Date: 2008-12-19 13:33:31
Author: Pat Kent
I've decided to delete a couple of pieces of text and amend some of the diary entries put up recently.
After re-reading them I felt that they they may have been inappropriate and could have possibly portrayed the wrong message or been misconstrued in a few quarters.
Maybe, sometimes the best of intentions can all to easily be misjudged and interpreted in the wrong way; and sometimes, we all simply make mistakes and something meant in a nice way causes upset. So, if my posts did cause any upset through my comments, drawings or diary entries, then please accept my apologies. Like most things I do in my life, they were not intended to upset or harm.
Pat K

The Bettie Page
Date: 2008-12-14 10:56:05
Author: Pat Kent
I wanted to write this a couple of days ago when I first heard about Bettie Page's death ... read more »
We used to know......
Date: 2008-12-08 19:00:50
Author: Pat Kent
If the week a couple of weeks ago was odd, then last week was odder still and a lot sadder. Last week I heard, unexpectedly, ... read more »

Old ghosts....
Date: 2008-11-28 16:45:23
Author: Pat Kent
It has to depend on whether you can or want to live with them for the rest of your life or not, for me I'm learning ... read more »
I've seen fire and I've seen rain...
Date: 2008-11-21 16:54:56
Author: Pat Kent
Well, what a long, strange trip its been this week. I've deleted a part of this entry by way of an update ... read more »

Nothing is easy!
Date: 2008-08-12 18:08:48
Author: Pat Kent
Well, August has been busy in part so far, but not the way I had really intended it to be. The gallery site has stalled ... read more »
How many friends have you really got [or The Harvey syndrome kicks in]
Date: 2008-08-08 13:22:17
Author: Pat Kent
Have you ever seen "Harvey", the acclaimed and incredibly good James Stewart film? Chances are, if you are over ... read more »