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DIARY - Hits and misses

Date: 2008-12-23 15:25:39


Funny, having taken down some pieces and musings or shuffled them around, I have to say I end up amazed. I looked at the stats for the site and the number of visits had rocketed since I put the last set of images up.

I don't normally do that bad in terms of visits to the site, in my view, pretty high in fact, but in the last week and a bit numbers have almost doubled.  So to have the number of e-mails asking me why the images have been changed and why the set has been broken up, I've also had a higher than usual number of requests to buy the images. All very odd.

Firstly, those images aren't for general sale. Secondly, the entire set of drawings are still viewable, just with less text and not all in the same place. I changed them around purely because I wanted to show a little more respect for the way they were presented for individuals and to the big, bad world than they probably conveyed originally.

All of your e-mails have been very supportive and from a lot of regulars and new visitors the repsonse has been great and very encouraging. The principle drawings, which remain on the main page will not be deleted, and I must really thank everyone who has commented so positively on them.

Also thanks for the words of support from people who have recognised that my work is likely to change and have said that if this is the direction I am moving towards [female portraiture] they think it is a good move.

Thanks also to Mr Outraged, who thinks that my unprecedented deletion of a couple of posts marks my descendence into the world of the BBC's voting scam on Strictly Come Dancing! I promise I'll try not to make any further deletions, if I do I'll pay back the cost of your e-mail vote!

Thanks again, with the stats hitting well over 2500 visits per day to view the last set of drawings and somewhere in the region of a 150 e-mails of support maybe they weren't that bad.

Hopefully one more post due betwen Christmas and the New Year as a sort of round up, but until then, thanks for dropping by, I hope you, your families and loved ones enjoy a great Christmas and equally that you all have a heallthy, and prosperous New Year.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2008 – All rights reserved. 

Pat Kent exercies his right to be identified as the author


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