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DIARY - Why should I care.......

Date: 2008-12-31 14:11:12

Author: Pat Kent


Less than 12 hours of 2008 left now, and as I look forward to seeing the New Year in on a cocktail of anti-biotics, washed down by a wee dram of Phenocodyl, rather than our traditional Chinese meal out [all due to a nasty and painful chest infection], the enforced night in means I will get a bit of time to look back over the last year.

It's not been a particularly easy year this year, lots of things have been achieved, but it seems more "in spite of" rather than "because of". 2008 will be remembered as the year of health scares, not just for me but also for close friends and family. It's also been a year of hard slog and committment in getting our house finally knocked into some sort of shape which resembles a home and finally ridding it of any evidence of the previous incumbents.

Also this year has seen the loss of friends and loved ones and some people I admired, as well as the finding, interruption to and ending of longstanding and in some cases not so longstanding, friendships. It's been a year of misunderstandings and disappointments and it's been a time when there's been too little time to reflect on things. My business that is my "day job" has so far continued to progress well in a time of the media fanned flames of a downturn and recession. The business hasn't yet let me have too much spare time to myself; keeping me busy seven days a week mostly, and for that, the art-site and our social life has suffered.

The year started well enough with an invitation to exhibit some of my artwork in a show, but this "up" was followed by a "down" and the loss of my last remaining "blood" aunt. A great shame, as she was a lovely and unique person, as were  my parent's and all of their siblings, she and her husband managed a 70 year marriage between them and they never left one anothers side other than for the interruption that was World War 2. It just wouldn't be expected in these days of disposable families.

In the spring we managed to take a break from the endless building work and our business and spent sometime over in the Italian lakes where we saw some of the most spectacular scenary we have ever seen, particularly the stunning Lake Como. We also managed to get to see the Matterhorn on a gloriously sunny and blue day [see pic]. We didn't get out to the US this year but that will happen sometime in 2009 and we look forward to meeting up with family and friends while we're out there.


The Matterhorn - the picture really doesn't do the scenary justice...

The summer came and went, with loads of building work underway at the house, a new den and art studio in the loft, which I had hoped to equip over this holiday but this dreaded lurgi has put paid to that; a new bath and shower room; lounge  and loads of other things. It's all now "very nearly finished", all that remains is the main office and a bit of decorating here and there. Finally, Liz will get to have a much deserved break from the noise and dust! Moving was without doubt the right thing to do, it's such a better location and has been well worth the hard work, but certainly not the dust.

In a couple of months my old MGB GT will be coming back to it's new home and then I can start to plan its second rebuild. It was supposed to be done and ready for my 50th birthday a few years ago, but it should hopefully be ready for my 55th! The old beast turns 35 years old this year.......

Pat's MGB GT

After it's last rebuild....another year should hopefully see it back on the road

It was the year that saw Ken Livingstone getting kicked out of City Hall and Boris Johnson getting to keep the seat warm for a few years.... a case of "meet the new boss...same as the old boss"? Too right it is. Both are a a pair of prats, just different political colours. TfL continues to screw up London, and crime continues to rise, particuallrly with regards to knife and gun crime. Oh, the joys of living and working in London.

it was the year that marked the death of one of my all time favourite comic artists; along with, nine months later, his muse. Apt that they should both part this mortal coil so close to one another I suppose, but I will certainly miss seeing his artwork, stories and humour.

However, it's been a good year in many respects as well. I've seen my nephews starting to grow into adults and teenagers and they have shown that they do have a caring and understanding natures about them both. They still play too many video games for my liking, but then I suppose that makes me the equivalent of my Dad, watching me, watching The Old Grey Whistle Test or Top of the Pops....Although I don't think I will ever understand the attraction of 50 cent or Dizzee Rascal or why kids call the crap that masquerades as "Rhythm and Blues", Rhythm and isn't!

One of my best mates, Jeremy, was ordained and achieved one of his life-long ambitions, another of my best mates, Steve N, and I took the first steps to starting a partnership to devleop an on-line art gallery; All we need is a few more artists to join us [it's a pity the illustrator I wanted to talk to over lunch didn't get back to me]. My brother, Matt, continued to prove his abilities in taking great photographs and January 2009 will see him have his first exhibition opening at a venue in south London. Hopefully, 2009 will see a renewed impetus and interest in getting some serious writing done for him, Steve R and me, both independently and together.

Oh, and Tottenham Hotspur won the Carling Cup.....So, at least we managed to put some silverware in the trophy cabinet, despite the troubles that were to come later in the year.

Later in the year we seemed to bounce between health scare to health scare. Whether that's a sign of the times or simply of our age; I don't know, but it was not pleasent and whilst the good old NHS really came out battling a few times, proving its worth and value, there were a couple of times when it let us and close family down badly, displaying incompetence and poor treatment to the point where it was much more than just scary. When it goes right it's great, when it goes wrong it can be bloody lethal.

The other big impacts were the loss of a close friend's Mum, who meant a great deal to me. close family members feeling ill and depressed, my enthusiasm cum foolhardiness in inadvertantly upsetting people and the increase in activity related to the art site and of course a continuing and thriving professional business during times of doubt and impending recession.

So, in the words of one of my favourite songs, "Why should I care?"; Well despite the really shit stuff that's gone on, there's a lot to look forward to in 2009, as well as a chance to put 2008 well and truly behind us.

When I've been asked if I'm a "Glass half full or half empty" type of person I normally reply, I go to the cupboard and get a smaller glass then I can make it a full glass....So, I'll take my full glass, [of phenocodyl] raise it up and wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2008 – All rights reserved. 
  Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author



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