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DIARY - I've seen fire and I've seen rain...

Date: 2008-11-21 16:54:56

Author: Pat Kent


Well, what a long, strange trip its been this week.

I've deleted a part of this entry by way of an update as after re-reading it I decided that it probably didn't show the respect it should have done to some people in the way that it should have done. I decided that it's all too easy for things to be taken the wrong way and so by way of an apology I have deleted a few things here and at other places on the site.


it's been a week, when I've realised the true worth of friends, people who are always there in your life, but I must admit never necessarily in thoughts or consideration as to what might be happening in their lives, not just in their present, but in their pasts as well.

I had long chats with three of my closest and oldest friends this week and either learned or understood things about them that I never had fully taken in. In the space of a week, I have found that close friends can become even closer. In talking things through you realise that in reality everyone has a bit of history, things that you thought you went through alone suddenly take on a different light when you relaise that others share similar, or sometimes not so similar but still major issues, in their lives.

I never realised a lot of things about my own past life until recently, never took account of how something, someone or some action nearlly 40 years ago could shape how you live your life. Well it does, and when it surfaces, like it did for me, then you're glad to have those close mates around.

So Steve N, Jeremy and Steve thanks for the support and I hope that if needed I'm there to support you blokes just as much as you've supported me. For now, I'll just add......

So much for expecting a lot of stuff on the site post-August!

Sorry to all the people who have mailed in asking if everything was OK, I was laid up for about a month all in all with a particularly painful and unpleasent bout of something or other, which the quacks prescribed the wrong medication for. So, I ended up being pretty ill from that as well. Modern medicine! Give me an aspirin or a single malt anyday.

Then despite the current global economic downturn, the world of the day job has gone even more ballistic. I have picked up more work in the last couple of months than this same period last year and the year before. Given that my day job is related to planning and development it seems perverse that everyone is talking about no construction etc, but my work is sky-rocketing. Anyway, whilse it's there I will take it, so the artwork will suffer for a time.

The good news is that the recent Monday morning high kicked me nto thinking about equipping the new studio room, so off I trundled to the storage room I have, to pick up easels and canvases etc to start painting again, I'm probably going to be doing less of the pencil pin-up stuff, unless I get specific requests for it that interest me. Other than that i want to try something new, can't say I won't return to it, but for now i want to try a diferent direction or approach to it.

So, what to look forward to? Don't know really, that's in the lap of the Gods. all I know is that my inspiration is out there somewhere, just need to get linked into it in some way.

On a closing note, look after your friends, they are closer and much, much deeper than you think.

It might be an odd post, but, it hopefully means something to someone somewhere!

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2008 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.




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