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This 'My Work' folder consists basically of my more detailed sketches. I don't add much of my full artwork here, much of it is too personal but most of these are practice pieces, some of which have been developed into paintings, some are pieces copied from other peoples original works, and either hand-copied or adapted by me, where I can I try to credit the original artist and always seek to respect their copyrights.



After Achilleos by Pat Kent
Angel Interceptors by Pat Kent
Over my shoulder goes one care by Pat Kent
Tuesday on my mind by Pat Kent
Bare back by Pat Kent
Lilac basque 2 by Pat Kent
J is for jacuzzi
Office dress - 1987 by Pat Kent
[P'n'P] x 2 by Pat Kent
In deep contemplation by Pat Kent
For Dave Stevens by Pat Kent
Bending over please -  Pat Kent
Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle by Pat Kent
Scully's XXX-file by Pat Kent
Sitting pretty by Pat Kent
Pass time with good company by Pat Kent
Cup of tea and a good book - Pat Kent after Pressing
Woman by Pat Kent after Adolfo
Sitting...waitiing by Pat Kent
Liz 1970's - Sketch portrait by Pat Kent

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