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Rocketeer UK - after Stevens by Pat Kent


Rocketeer UK - after Stevens by Pat Kent

It's been ages since I posted anything.

So, here's a graphite and coloured pencil sketch, adapted from Dave Stevens' nice 'splash' image of 'The Rocketeer'.

The original has him hoisting the Stars and Stripes, but in this anniversary year of the Battle of Britain I'd thought I'd add the Union Jack. I've been toying with the idea of doing it again but at a larger scale and in more detail incorporating a few Spitfires and Hurricanes in honour of 'The Few'.

The image may be a little poor as I have been trying out a new fine grain, heavyweight paper, which I have to admit I am not too happy with. Add to that the fact that I have also just replaced my trusty old scanner, which was pretty accurate, with a new model which seems to be making everything I scan look totally different from the original sketches.

I better keep practising with the drawing and the scanner!

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'Reminiscing' by Pat Kent
Nude - Underpainting by Pat Kent