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Old Ghosts 4 - Original sketch by Pat Kent


Old Ghosts 4 - Original sketch by Pat Kent

Like the two preceeding images this one was done sometime ago, and was the initial sketch for one of the Old Ghosts set of drawings. It's been resurrected as I think it will be one of the images I included in the draft sketch book I am currently compiling.

In looking through some old skecthpads I found a few roughs that I thought worthy of reworking and adding to. This was one of them.

If you make the comparison, there are a few big differences between this and the finished version, but that's why this was a rough, I wanted to get the image as close to the picture I had in my head, and this one, although nice enough to me in itself, I felt it didn't do justice to the image I was trying to recollect on paper. The main focus was on the eyes, and because I wanted to get them as right as possible, I messed up on the nose and the mouth a bit. Hopefully I corrected those mistakes in the other more final version which is elesewhere on the site.

This rough version has been worked up a bit over the last Christmas break to possibly be included in the book I mentioned a couple of images ago.

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Potrait underpainting by Pat Kent
1970's rough portrait - intial sketch by Pat Kent