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Undressed to kill by Pat Kent [After Ballard]


Undressed to kill by Pat Kent [After Ballard]

As with the previous pieces I have used this as part of an exercise to look at experimenting more with using a wider variety of hardness of pencils and apply them to some of my more detailed pieces that I don't normally add to the website.

Seeing recent work by Ballard and Larson again made me want to re-explore the use of graphites again, to try and get a better picture, particulalrly for thoise pieces that I do for others or work up to a completed drawing.

The two previous drawings were esentially rough practice pieces for me to attempt and finish off this piece, a more detailed drawing based on a Ballard original for someone.

On this I used a full variety of graphite pencil hardnesses from H through to F and I think it really did pay off in getting to the type of final image I was looking for. I still need to owrk on this to blend the graphite and smooth out the pencil lines

Graphite pencils on A4 cartridge paper.

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Lilac - A more detailed sketch by Pat Kent
The eyes have it  by Pat Kent