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Unlaced - By Pat Kent


Unlaced - By Pat Kent

This was part of an exercise for me to look at experimenting more with using a wider variety of hardness of pencils.

I've always been prone to going over the top with dark shading and, in my opinion, spoiling drawings by going too dark in shaded areas.

Seeing recent work by Ballard and Larson again made me want to re-explore the use of graphites again, to try and get a better picture. Not so much in this one, as it remains a rough sketch, but in a couple of the more detailed pieces I have done for people recently, which I don't normally put up here on the website, I have been very pleased with the results. The couple of more detailed drawings which follow this one illustrate that results better.... I think.

Graphite pencils on A4 cartridge paper.

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The eyes have it  by Pat Kent
Rooftop Betty [after Stevens] by Pat Kent