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"Ms Gallieo" by Pat Kent


Another one done for the good folks on the new web-board devoted to the music of Jethro Tull.

This one was suggested by Jeff, and is the "subject" of the song "Astronomy".

There was an early piece I did to accompany this song which was more photo based with a bit of photo-shop tweaking and some pencil embellishment. This is simply a rough sketch of the main characters of the song.

Rough graphite pencil sketch on A4 cartridge.

The middle lane has trapped my car
In red-light claustrophobia.
I slip the shackles, cut the rope,
Stand naked with a telescope
As the cat walks alone
Under a big sky.
Against the dark so thin and white,
Gonna be a big sky night.

Miss Gallileo, come with me
And view the new astronomy.
Black hole dressing on salad plate,
Quasar at the kissing gate.
Now the cat, he walks alone
Under a big sky.
Umbrella dome pin-pricked in lights,
Gonna be a big sky night.

My spectacles, my white lab coat,
My coffee, thermos and my notes.
I pat my pockets. I got the keys
To the secrets of the observatory.
And closing the door,
I feel a new dawn
As the darker slides align,
You to yours and me to mine.

And now you stand, assisting me,
I can touch what I can see, see, see.
I look in wonder, I feel no shame,
See the consequences of the game. Expand the universe.
Head for the big bang.
Reach for my switch and shout
Gonna turn the big sky out.

Lyrics by Ian Anderson

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Snap [after Bennes] by Pat Kent
"Budapest" by Pat Kent