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For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me by Pat Kent


For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me by Pat Kent

Inspired by the song "For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me" I did this to go with my recent diary entry about the first lunar landing.

I don't enjoy drawing men, and I like the notion of drawing myself even less.

This is the first, half serious, self-portrait I've ever attempted and in doing it I took the liberty to add myself to the original subjects of the song, omitting Ian Anderson, who it is said wrote the song about being a bit of a loner and the feelings of isolation that he experienced as a young man.

Michael Collins was the Command Module Pilot of the first lunar landing, he stayed in orbit alone, whilst Armstrong and Aldrin became the first men to walk on the surface. Collins never ever got to fulfill that task and was at times during that flight probably the most isolated human being in existence as he orbited on the dark side of the moon alone.

Jeffrey is the enigmatic friend of the song writer, Ian Anderson and once bass player of Jethro Tull during their most popular period. He was the subject of several Ian Anderson compositions and gave up the music business to spend his time as a full time artist. He apparently lives in isolation these days, rarely getting involved in the music business if at all.

The last person in this trilogy is me....and there's enough written about me, by me here already, so enough said.

Graphite pencils on A4 lightweight cartridge paper

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Go to work on an egg by Pat Kent
1970's sketch portrait by Pat Kent