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Alexandra Bastedo by Pat Kent


Alexandra Bastedo by Pat Kent

Someone e-mailed me the last week to ask if the images I draw of women represent the women who I think are the most beautiful; Well, I have to say some are, some are just images of photogenic people or simply because I like the look of the original image and the way it is presented, some, if not many, are just opportunities to do a bit of sketching [hence the difference in quality] or possibly because they've been requested by some of the good souls who bother to write in and ask for a particular image.

A few are of women who I think are amongst the most beautiful I have seen or met.

Alexandra Bastedo is one of the latter, an actress who appeared in several TV shows and films in the 60's and 70's, including "The Champions" and "Department S" on UK Television. When I was younger I knew a girl who I thought truly had the look of Ms Bastedo and who shared her air of sophistication, something not normally encountered in girls from south London..although she did have a sense of aloofness that was also not found in south London girls...maybe that's what made her different from the rest at the time!

Maybe I should work on putting together my list of beautiful women and do more detailed drawings like this one. The thing is, over 70% would not be celebrities and would be unknown to anyone viewing the site, probably making it all a bit pointless.

This is graphite pencils on cartridge paper. It's not quite finished as I need to "darken" down some of the shadows, but I thought I'd post it now, in case I "bugger it up".

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Quasars at the kissing gate by Pat Kent
Sketch portrait by Pat Kent