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Old Ghosts 1 - by Pat Kent


Old Ghosts 1 - by Pat Kent

A reworking of an old sketch I did way back when, sometime in 2005, I think.

I've reworked the eyes, but they are still not right in my opinion. The added colour is OK by me, but the image is lacking something and I'm still not happy with it, it feels too melancholic, and that wasn't supposed to be part of the image I wanted to portray; The mouth and lips need to be reworked too, to give it a brighter feel.

I think I'll like to rework this one all over again sometime, sooner rather than later......but on second thoughts, I think I'll leave it there, just in case it makes things all the more confused. Maybe I should have called it "How to lose friends and not influence people"


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Old Ghosts 4 - by Pat Kent
Jaguar by Pat Kent