Tiger Tavern Dancer by Pat Kent
Adapted from a Cho sketch, this is drawing based on a memory from my youth when the entertainment in some pub's around where we lived centred on the the appearance on make-shift stages of "exotic dancers".
"The Tiger Tavern", near The Tower of London, was one such establishment. However, there was an entry charge to get in and it was mostly filled with City gents, so it didn't get that many visits from the mob of lads that came from the wrong side of the water, south of the Thames.
The dancers and barmaids there were normally a cut above those you'd find anywhere else [except for a few exceptions in Bermondasy!], but either way they were way outside our league. We might have been on a "diet" but we could still look at the "menu" to speak.
Strange thing though, as un-PC as all this was, the pub was full of blokes and girls enjoying themselves, and this was the time of women's lib, etc. Still, I suppose things must be better now, what with, teenagers so drunk or drugged up they can't remember a thing about what [or who] they did, laying comatose in the street, girls vomiting and fighting after binge drinking, gang fights and stabbings etc.....Give me the old days.....they might have been un-PC but I think they were generally calmer, safer and more fun.