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Ann Margaret by Pat Kent


Ann Margaret by Pat Kent

One of those women who no doubt would make any sensible persons' top twenty of the worlds most beautiful women. If "Sex in the city" had been made 20 years earlier she would undoubtedly have played the part of Samantha Jones [KIm Cattrall]...but then again, thinking about it, how could that have topped the Baked Beans episode in "Tommy", it simply couldn't.

In my drawings, I have, in the past, tried to blend graphite shading with my fingers and have never really been happy with the result, and so have pretty much avoided trying it. Recently, by chance, I came across reference to a piece of art equipment* which I had never heard of before and so I "googled" it.

A "Tortillion" was the item, and in looking it up found a way to make my own homemade version and more improtantly came across a great little website at

It's a community of artists who suppoprt one another in advice, critique and just plain helpfulness. If you're into learning art techniques and want some solid advice give it a try.

Their advice on the use of the "Tortillion" resulted in this drawing, and I have to say I'm quite happy with it.

*Art equuipment is not quite the right term, it is in fact a tightly rolled piece of paper, formed to a pencil-like point, used to smudge and blend graphite. It works a treat and means no more drawings covered in smudgy fingerprints.

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Chatsworth interior by Pat Kent
Black and Silver 1987