Number 1 - [Rough Sketch] by Pat Kent
A few people [Well Blue Smith to name but one] have asked my to show a few of my very rough sketches and show the evolution of a finished piece. I presume it's a way of trying to tie me to my oft quoted promise that I intend to do final drawings and paintings of some of my sketches and post them, which looking at the stuff I've posted here so far never seem to get past the pencil stages. Happy to do it and then try to make myself finish a few of the pieces. This I've called simply Number 1 [Rough Sketch] to allow it to be traced in it's development; it's based on an old photo which was found lurking at the bottom of a box and unearthed dring our recent move. It'll take me some time to work these couple of drawings through to finished pieces, but I'll do my best.