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Broken pedestal


Broken pedestal

Symbolism in art? Not something that I get my kicks out of really, I'm not a great art critic, despite doing a bit on my art courses. Art for Arts sake in my view, but my mood a few days ago meant that I couldn't help myself but draw this the other night.

In my opinion this drawing, surprisingly has more to do with pin-up pictures than you, the viewer, might imagine, however, it is very personal and quite depressing for me.

I can't help feeling it sort of marks the end of an era for me in some way, I even noticed after finishing it that I'd actually dated it with the exact date, something that I rarely do, so there must be some significance in it.

I hope I might get a opportunity to revisit this one day, but until then I think, sadly, this particular pedestal will have to remain empty and in pieces.

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Jessica R by Pat Kent [after Jones]
AD 2007