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Anna Nicole Smith


Anna Nicole Smith

A rough stab at a bit of basic colouring on photoshop to produce a "Warhol-esque" style image. The subject is Anna Nicole-Smith. She of Playboy and expiring billionaire oil-men fame.

The drawing was done freehand, then transferred digitally to Photoshop, where the pencilled outline was "roughed" up a bit using the smudge option, the empty spaces were then filled with millions of coloured pixels in the click of a mouse.

Only a first attempt, hopefully I can improve as time goes on and get some better use of channels and layers.....either that or the Luddite in me may fight back and dig out the coloured pencils.


Yesterday, 9th February 2007, it was reported that Anna Nicole Smith was found dead in a hotel room in Florida. What a pity that someone who had the potential to be so beautiful lead such a tawdry and lost life for her 39 years. She certainly doesn't need the money now, and I hope she rests in peace.

RIP - Anna Nicole Smith

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