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Another old sketch brought back into use by the addition of a bit of colour.

I have always tended to stick to monochrome and graphite for almost all of my work in the past and am only just coming to grips with the use of colour. I think having to work in colour puts a lot of people off drawing, well, it does me anyway! I always had a fear that a half-reasonable sketch would end up being irretriveably lost if I screwed up any colour work on it, so I used to avoid doing it like the plague.

I'm continuing to experiment with colour in sketches, painting and now digitally. Digital colouring is wonderful in that the original is retained for working on, but I think it does lack something in that there's no "original" colour piece at the end of the process to speak of and the colouring is bit soul-less.

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Anna Nicole Smith
Ferrari No 2