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Ferrari LS 2005


Ferrari LS 2005

When I had my MGB GT on the road I was told that if you ever set your sights on having a sports car it should only be a Ferrari. And if you get a Ferrari you should always aim to get a red one, no other colour will do.

I read somewhere that, similarly, if you draw a female fantasy character she should always be a blond, I presume, because like the red Ferrari you should aspire to the best, or could it be more likely that some people possibly see blondes as "all show and no go", making them ideal cartoon figures.

Well, in the end I had a go at the red Ferrari but never got to keep her. It made me realise though that contrary to what I'd read blondes should never, ever be considered the only colour for fantasy or any other characters, as they certainly aren't always "all show and no go", they are probably a lot smarter than the press they get makes them out to be.


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2005  AD
Caroline Munro sketch canvas