DIARY - Top of the Pops- Pan's People
Date: 2011-05-21 16:50:51
Author: Pat Kent

Remember this track?
Probably the best and most memorable TotP title track of all, performed by CCS.
And then, there were the 'Woolies' cover band LP covers? A few famous and less famous models graced the covers of those albums over time.
I still have a couple of dozen of these albums tucked away in the botttom of my record collection, liberated from one of the now defunct 'Woolworth's' by a former employee that I once knew.
My favourite cover, for presonal reasons, is the one at 1.15 in the video and shown to the right.
And then there were Pan's People, more on them in the future.
But for now as a postscript to this original post I'll end by saying, RIP Flick Colby, Pan's People choreographer, who died on Thursday 26th May 2011 aged 65.
Film of Flick's Pan's People from 1976 dancing to an unreleased Jethro Tull track from around 1987. I've removed the original song and edited the film to fit the song.
Pat K
© Pat Kent 2011 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2011