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DIARY - Paper, Paint and Peace

Date: 2011-02-23 13:46:00

Author: Pat Kent


A bit of an update since I haven't posted any new work her of late. it's not because I haven't been doing any it's because at long last I've got off my backside and started to paint!

Yep, at long last I have a studio of sorts that i can use, in a week or two's time it will be even more accessible and usable. So, over the last few months, I've been trying my hand at portraiture in a very amatuar and fledgline fashion. Haven't quite sussed all the techniques yet, but slowly getting the hang of things. I might never make a Jack Vettriano, Greg Hildebrandt or Rob Larson but I'm enjoying it, which is all that matters really! Serenity ensues when yo have a canvas, paint and brushes, no phone, Tull on the CD and peace and quiet. Fantastic.

Still busy work-wise and the day job takes up a lot of time, but I'm not complaining. Also been busy on the Jethro Tull Board of late, but may be taking a bit of breather from that in awhile. Although I have had a sort of commission via it as a logo I did for the board was picked up by a ceramics designer who is at this very moment applying it to a range of pottery pieces! So, hopefully that will bear fruit in a few weeks.

Other than that, it's still all go, but a positve 'all go'. Looking forward to the next few months.

Keep well!

Pat K

 © Pat Kent 2011 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2011


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