DIARY - Just one Christmas
Date: 2011-01-06 15:47:22
Author: Pat Kent
Just one Christmas, just one Christmas, is that too much to ask?
Every bloody year for the last God knows how many years I go down with a bad cold and a hacking cough over the holidays, this year was no excpetion, hence no Christmas diary entry this year. This year it has been pretty bloody awful and to make matters worse we both went down wwith it immediately after Boxing Day; we still have the remnants of it lingering around now. At least we managed a flu-free run up to the main holidays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day themselves, all of which were times we enjoyed greatly with family and friends.
The previous week had been pretty hectic with a mad dash in some of the heaviest snow in the south east to get down to a sepcial charity gig in Canterbury Cathedral to see Ian Anderson and Friends play 'The Christmas Jethro Tull' to a sold out audience. It was touch and go whether we would make it, but thanks to the experienced snow driving of our Canadian friend Mike, and his wife, we made it, literally, with only a half hour or so spare. 7 hours plus for what is normally a 1.25 hour journey; it was worth it for what turned out to be a great gig.
Here's a snippet of Greg Lake playing with Anderson and the band, not great video but a record of a worthy event nonetheless.
The rest of the year has been a bit 'up and down'. We've had little time for a proper holiday this year due to the pressures of the day job, which I won't complain about too much, given that despite the Tories [inc LIb-Dems] best efforts the business has stayed quite viable. We managed to get away for a week though, down to the south-coast for a last minute break, cold, very cold, but nevertheless we had a great time.
Last year saw me fail to take heed of my own promises to do more art, and up my game as regards painting. I don't intend to make the same mistake this year and will be focussing on making a difference as reagrds taking time out to do a lot of things, on the personal do-list this year as my new, new year resolutions; more painting, I'll be picking up on lessons again for flute and guitar and a bit of some serious amateur astronomy now that I can get to use my wife's Christmas present to me, a new Newtonian reflecting telescope.
Lot's of people to thank as every year. Liz as always for lots and lots of things, my brother Matt, for loads of support and help [as well as my enjoyiment in seeing his work], My friends Steve N, Steve R and Jeremy for all their help, support, listening and advice. Had some great lunches, meals out, pints and football in the last year with them and look forward to more this year.
A few people to remember fondly who left us this year, my Brother's close friend Nick, my old work colleagues, Jim and 'Wally', family member Ann and anyone else I may have inadvertantly failed to pay respect to.
Hope you had good Chrittmas and New Year holidays wherever you are. Wishing you a belated but great 2011
Pat K
© Pat Kent 2011 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2011