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DIARY - A Winter Snowscape

Date: 2010-12-02 10:40:25


Yet another diary entry where I have to  start off by saying; bloody hell, has it been that long?

Work, has been mad, but rather that than the recession hit businesses that are being driven to the wall day by day. Work has been so busy in fact, that we didn't even manage to get a propoer holiday in this year other than a week in Somerset and a long week-end in Paris.

So, in a mad panic, when we realised Christmas was only weeks away and the thought of the psychological impact of that date passing without us having a holiday in 2010 was too much to take and so it prompted us to book a week Brighton!

Brighton at the end of November is not my idea of a fun place to be or was anything approaching the sun-soaked lounge on a beach which I was looking forward to.

Instead, we had .....a great time. A week of glorious sunshine, freezing bloody cold, but sunny, clear blue skies and streets generally devoid of tourists. We splashed out on a trendy hotel and it was well worth it. A great time, despite the threats of snow, snow and more snow.

We got back and within a day we were starting to see the first signs of snow fall, by Tuesday it was deep, by today, Thursday, it is even deeper, 10" deep in places.

So, trapped indoors, with a warm fire [well central heating], hot drinks and a diary of cancelled meetings means I have a little more scope to find a little 'leisure' time to update this page and maybe get a few drawings done as well!

Thanks for your e-mails and messages - I'll post again before Christmas.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2010 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2010


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