DIARY - Comfortably numb....
Date: 2009-02-16 18:16:55
Author: Pat Kent
Had a bit of a blow this week, when I had it confirmed that I have diabetes. I'm still not sure which type yet but I have to admit receiving the letter knocked me sideways a little.
In my past I've had to deal with quite a few serious health matters related to others and worked hard at providing support for them, for myself however, I've always just simply tried to consider my own feelings and fears, assimilate the evidence of what I need to contend with and face up to dealing with it. It's what being me has always been about, just get on with things and be yourself, hopefully people should accept you for that, it's my ideal way of dealing with my life and my problems, why should it or I be a problem for someone else? I took that advice from a close friend who told me to look after myself and don't rely on others after I got a bit let down by someone and took it far to much too heart.
I've lived with partial blindness since birth and it's never really bothered me. I think it bothered others more than it bothered me, some people being more blind in not being able to see past the physical manifestation of my so-called disability. However, the last few months haven't been the best of times health-wise for me as well as close friends and family, and I think I've taken my eye off the ball a couple of times and made several mistakes, things that I wouldn't normally do. In a few instances I've not acted appropriately or in character and that's a pity as I think it may have resulted in a burnt bridge or two.
There's been a couple of times in the last month or so where I've found counselling a great help, particularly to address my attitude regarding this diagnosis. Counselling is not an easy thing to admit to for some, but believe me, it's been really helpful. Talking about it has helped me, it's a pity that my former Doctor didn't feel that talking about issues was of any benefit, otherwise I might have learnt about this problem sooner.
Anyway, if you're in need of reassurance go talk to a counsellor or someone you can open up to, it can sometimes unlock the door to a whole new way of thinking......just make sure you talk to one who talks back!
All the best
Pat K
© Pat Kent 2009 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2009