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DIARY - New update and more images

Date: 2009-02-05 15:48:08

Author: Pat Kent


The heavy snowfall which hit us last week-end is still with many of us here in some parts of London. This is mainly due to the inefficent service provided by some Councils to clear it, principally the borough where I live. However, my enforced "house arrest" has given me a bit of time to do a couple of drawings and muse on life, the universe and some people in general.

A couple of people have e-mailed me to ask if I can supply contact details for other artists, namely some of the ones that I own pieces of work of. If I have their web details or even their "business" e-mail addresses I'll happily forward them on, however, a lot of the pieces I own have been bought via third party agencies, galleries or even that modern medium of e-bay, and so the best I might be able to do is to provide the link to the place where I first came across them or bought stuff from.

A few e-mails also arrived from people thanking me for pointing them in the direction of the late, great Dave Stevens. A few have asked if I could do another rendition of something "Stevens-esque", so I've added an adaptation of one of his Vampirella images and another of my portrait pieces to the My work pages.

All the best

Pat K

© Pat Kent 2009 – All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author 2009


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