DIARY - Unfashionable to the end.....
Date: 2007-10-14 17:11:50
Author: Pat Kent

Well, after many moons of being known on the Jethro Tull web-board by my anonymous "Tull-de-plume", it seems that the game is well and truly up and a few of the goodly souls from there have found their way here and sussed me out. I should have realised something was up when the site user stats rose dramatically over the last few months.
So, I offer all of you Tullies [and any other new visitors] a hearty welcome and say thanks for all the nice comments about the site as well as all the positive comments about both mine and other's artwork contained herein!
Feel free to use the contact page if you want to pass comment or simply get in touch, It'd be good to hear from you no matter what country you're from.
Someone did point out that there's a bit of a flaw on the site in that any new images posted in the "My collection" pages do not appear on the front page as do images posted in "My work" or musings in the "My diary" pages. Until I can get this sorted out I'll try and post a short note under the diary pages to advise of any new pieces being uploaded.
This means that today I have to write to say that the last three pieces added have been:
a pencil sketch of Power Girl by Joseph Mackie,
a pencil and marker sketch by Alex Miranda
and today I posted,
an image of a painting [copy] of a Gil Elvgren image by British artist Fiona Stephenson, who specialises in 1950's retro glamour paintings and images, that I bought a couple of months ago.
Anyway, hope you enjoy them and take care,
Pat K
© Pat Kent 2005 -2007 – All rights reserved.Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.