DIARY - It's getting better all the time...
Date: 2007-08-20 09:39:01
Author: Pat Kent
Well, things here at Chez Kent, seem to be settling down. The house move has been traumatic to say the least. Building work has been relatively OK, and things have moved on a pace, unfortunately it's the crap suppliers that have buggered things up.
Now, I love Germany and the German people, and my wife, who speaks fluent German, is a tremendous lover of all things German... but our faith in German products has been severely dented...like many of their products in fact.
* If a lover of all things French is a Francophile, and of England an Anglophile; Is a lover of Germany a Deutschophile?
Firstly we bought an AEG cooker......on the day of anticipated delivery [several weeks late] we were called to say it had been discontinued and that we would not be getting it. We were not happy customers, since they had taken our money for it and we had to negotiate it back.
At the same time as we ordered the non-existant AEG cooker, we ordered a fitted ALNO kitchen, eight weeks in the making it was shipped from Germany at great expense.....only to arrive on the back of the ALNO lorry in the flimsiest of packaging, in fact a single piece of cardboard wrapped around the outside with a bit of black plastic tape.
On removing this superflous condom of cardboard we found every unit broken and damaged beyond repair. On closer examination we discovered these units are in fact the kitchen equivalent of the King's new clothes.
They are complete SHITE!
I've seen better and more sturdy construction made by a three-year old with Duplo.
If you are ever considering putting in a luxury kitchen. STOP! Don't do it, think about it and go to B&Q or Wickes or even make it yourself out of cardboard and sticky back plastic, it will still be infinetly better than any ALNO kitchen.
Anyway, after all the angst with trying to get them removed, getting our cash back and sorting out replacements the wife and I have secured a common enemy; their name being....... consumer suppliers.
I am now busy searching websites world-wide to leave comments about ALNO, AEG, Whirlpool [who are simply nothing more than out and out blatent liars]. All of them, if you believe their self-publicity, are supposed to be top-range suppliers, but in reality are no more than money-grabbing, crap, operators with inferior products, who don't give a toss about their customers or customer care.
Rant over and now back on track. As the house starts to look like a real house again and not a bastardised doss-house for lodgers or a building site, I look forward to getting back to drawing, painting and writing. Thanks for the comments and best wishes to those that have been in touch.
Now back to drawing [and work]. I'm looking forward to setting some new challenges and getting to grips with a couple of special subjects in terms of drawing and that.
All the best
Pat K