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DIARY - Hanging on the telephone.

Date: 2007-07-03 15:49:03

Author: Pat Kent


I truly despair for this old world of ours.

Why? Well like the grumpy old man that I am, I find myself sitting here in the early hours of the morning trying to wind down after dealing with the problems of the real world, too much work, illness, stress, being let down by trades people and all the shit that goes with trying to live in the real world, when I read something that indicates that I simply may have all my priorities all wrong.

A quick look at the BBC website before turning in for bed, just to see which radical fundamentalist group had decided to try and destroy my culture because they don’t like the feel of it, led me to a story not about Iraq, Floods in the north of the UK or the attempted London bombings but about a mobile ‘phone.

It was entitled: “It was like the arrival of a rock star”.

It was about the people queuing for the new i-Phone outside the Apple store on New York's Fifth Avenue. It seems that the world was waiting with baited breath, for these “oh so lucky” people to emerge from the store with their new shiny i-phones to applause and the obvious mindless envy and typical whooping as one would expect from a bunch of pillocks!

As the BBC story put it “they were some of the first people in the world to have in their hands one of the most-hyped technology products in history. Of course the star in question was the i-Phone itself”.

Star? What is the world coming to? It’s a bloody ‘phone for God’s sake.

“Its proud new owners, many visibly shaky after spending hours or days waiting in line, gingerly unwrapped the box to reveal the shiny, smooth-edged gadget of their dreams.”

Visibly shaky? Maybe that’s because they don’t breath in enough, or maybe it’s because they have lost grip on reality, and by that I do not mean a cheap. tacky TV show.

Let’s look at one of the “proud new owners” Ms Jessica Rodriguez.

 …frightening isn’t it…

This woman queued for three and a half days, has she got nothing better to do in her life? I suggest she gets off her fat arse a bit more and tries to do something really positive for herself and the planet and not simply inflict another sodding mobile ring-tone on the public.

Apparently Ms Jessica Rodriguez, who was third in line having queued since Tuesday morning, was overjoyed to have the i-Phone in her hands at last.

"It feels great, oh my God, overwhelming. I never thought this day would come - and now it finally has, it's mind-blowing, We got no sleep with the rain and the dump trucks going back and forth. I'm going to go home and sleep and play with my phone a little bit." she said. “I never thought this day would come”,

For God’s sake, it’s a just a ‘phone woman, get a grip. I can understand it must be “mind-blowing” for a woman who can spend three and a half days putting her life on hold to queue up for a mobile ‘phone. I suspect it would be mind-blowing for anyone who hasn’t the sense to see that:

1. it’s simply hype


2. it’s aimed to suck in people like her.

Sad, I wonder if her family suffered anything in those three and half days? Did her kids miss her [if she actually has had the time in between queuing to have any], Did her partner miss her, not that she may have a partner, maybe that’s why she needs a mobile, no-one directly close enough to talk to.

The BBC story report New York DJ duo Andrew Andrew, [actually not one person but two men named Andrew] who are credited with having been the first in the world to DJ using iPods [big deal!], said witnessing the buzz about the iPhone had been an experience in itself.

"It's pretty surreal, the amount of media and the amount of hype surrounding it," said one. "I can't think of another product launch that has been like this. When we went into the store I was almost moved to tears, it just made you feel really special."

Moved you to tears…what a complete arse. I can think of several things that could genuinely move you to tears and a bloody ‘phone isn’t one of them, not unless the handset is aimed well and truly at the temples or testicles that is.

"He said the device had lived up to his expectations so far - but predicts there will inevitably be some people who dismiss it as over-hyped." Me for one and add to that I think all you prats who queued up are worthy of being dismissed as well.

 The BBC story goes on:

“But Shawn King, a Canadian who runs an online radio show called Your Mac Life, says he is confident the iPhone will impress even the sceptics. "We've been looking forward to this for so long, been talking about it, thinking about it, reading about it. Nothing matches this - it's like going to a rock concert. As I went down the stairs in the store I was thinking 'this is what Sting feels'. I'm going to run home and ring people just to say 'guess what, I've got an iPhone, bye!'"

Sting? I bet Stings feels nothing like you, he may be a prat over certain things but I wouldn’t put him your league Mr King.

Sad bunch of gits, and unfortunately they are not alone. No wonder some people want to destroy what the west stands for…it stands for this sort of rubbish.

It’s the end of the world as we know it......

Pat Kent

© Pat Kent 2007 – All rights reserved.

Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author and acknowledges the original source of the BBC news story.


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