DIARY - Ho, Ho, Ho or Bah! Humbug!
Date: 2005-12-24 20:35:01
Author: Pat Kent
To everyone who's viewed the site, commented on it, or simply just plain ignored it, have a great Christmas.
To people somehow distanced from their loved ones through circumstance, problem or if you are simply on your own through choice, I really wish that you have a great time and that Christmas, new year and life in general is good to you.
All the best
Pat Kent
UPDATED 30th December 2005 Well, Christmas itself was rather enjoyable this year though what a shit end to the week geenrally it's been, crap telly, crap weather and all round crap. A time for families and togetherness? Excuse the manic laughter....
Me, I'm going to kick 2006 off with a visit to the sales to find a scrooge outfit for next year just in case. I suspect sackcloth and ashes might be difficult to find these days, fundementalists presumably snap them early, now I know what all those people queue outside NEXT for at 5 am for. Maybe, I'm simply just too locked up in my own little world these days to see Christmas and people for what they really are.....then again maybe I'm not.
Have a happy new year to you one and all.....