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DIARY - Bono's hat......

Date: 2005-08-13 21:23:43

Author: Pat Kent


Dear Diary,

Actually, it seems a bit weird doing this, My mate, Nix, and I were chatting about blogging and possibly setting up a weblog to question and challenge a few of the ludicrous things that happen in this world. Add to that the fact that I wanted some vehicle to display my artwork, both my own, adapted, as well as the original work I've collected by other artists over the years, and you sort of end up with this site.

The entries in the diary, are likely to be pretty varied and may seem more of a stream of unconsciousness rather than consciousness to many. I would expect that the entries will probably veer off into the wild, wacky and contentious, there will no doubt be some conflict in the views of the writers who may post, I hope that we're broad minded enough to accept opposing statements without fear of too much editorial control or being upset by differing opinions.

However, this first entry ought to set out my thanks to a few people;

David Roberts at DSR Design, for coming up trumps once again with a site design that I am really pleased with. If you want a site designed, USE THIS MAN ! HE IS GOOD;

All the artists that I have collected and displayed here, their work has encouraged me to get back into drawing again and while I could never be in their league, it has given me great pastime to relax with. I'll probably do separate entries somewhere, sometime, someplace about them all, but honourable mentions must go to Frank Cho, Adam Hughes, Al Rio, Joe Linsner, Rob Larson, Frank Quigg, Terry Moore the list goes on and on. I've adapted a few of their drawings by adding my own elements, I hope that they can forgive me. In the process of re-introducing myself to pencil and paper, I personally found it more inspiring and constructive to attempt to copy or create something in their styles, The site will also contain some of their original works, as well as other odds and sods;

Bono, or more precisely Bono's hat for providing the inspiration for the weblog thing. Is there anything more ludicrous in this world than a court case about a hat?......Probably......but it seemed more than ludicrous enough over a pint or two in the Hare & Billet to stimulate this;

Bono, with hat [not the one that countlss thousands of pounds was wasted on in chasing its return through the Law courts] discussing my new website with my mate Nix. Nix is the one on the left

My mate, Nix, for throwing down the gauntlet of getting the weblog bit of the site up and running. I hope I can persuade him to put a few thoughts up on the "diary" pages as well;

Matt and Steve R for also providing some impetus in doing something along these lines, I hope they will also see fit to want to post the odd thing as well.

Pat Kent

August 2005.
© Pat Kent 2005 - All rights reserved. Pat Kent exercises his right to be identified as the author.


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