So, here we are in 2016.
That came around a little too quick for my liking. Not off to the greatest of starts but hopefully there's scope for improvement.
As always a big thank you for dropping by if you're a new visitor and even greater thanks if you're one of the site's regular visitors.
I have no great aspirations or belief that there is any significant artistic merit in my work and I have to record that many pieces here are sketches, some are copies and adpatations of pieces that originated in their concept or design on other peoples drawing boards. I make no attempt to pass these items off as my own, many are practice pieces and inasmuch as they are copies then I fully respect the original copyrights that exist with the creators and originators.
A few words of thanks to friends, family and other people who made this site a possibility and reality.
- Steve Roberts and my Brother Matt for suggesting it;
- David Roberts for building it;
- Steve Nixon for suggesting I should add the Blog [originally to be called Bono's Hat, for reasons explained elsewhere];
- My school art tutor, Peter Krumins for suggesting that comic and pin-up art was a legitmate artform;
- The artist's I admire for inspiring me originally when I was a teenager and those that still do;
- The models, friends and people, who have wittingly and unwittingly kept my interest in drawing;
- The Pre-Raphelite Brotherhood who truly made me look at art [and life] in a different way when I was a teenager;
- Simon Kewer [artist and all round good bloke] for tuoring me when I need it;
- The musicians I listen to who constantly amaze me and fill me with envy with their skill and creativity....
- Liz for keeping me interested in drawing and giving muse-like inspiration when I need it most,
and of course, anyone who takes the time and makes the effort to visit the site.
I try to draw things I like, I always try to see the positive in what I draw.
There is some low level nudity on the site, it shouldn't shock or offend as it isn't there for that reason. If you are that easily shocked then go seek out puritanart.com, narrowminded.co.uk or go visit an art gallery and see what the master's were painting.
Hope you feel you'd like to drop by here frequently.
All the best
Pat K
Back to school
Date: 2015-08-24 13:00:25
Over the last couple of months I've been lucky enough to have been tutored in working in colour using Acrylics, watercolour ... read more »
A few new items today
Date: 2015-06-01 18:11:07
A few new items today, marking, finally, a change in direction for me. Fcussing more and more on portraits. Two added today, ... read more »